Project partner

Information & Responsibilities

Information about the school:

Our school has a high rate of cultural diversity and an important number of students with a disadvantaged background. Consequently, our SWOT analysis shows, among our weaknesses, the students’ lack of motivation, an important number of students’ dropping out of school at an early age and poor performance in key competences. In a closer look, we can see that these students are mostly those who could also be considered to be at risk of social exclusion.
These are the reasons why our School’s Policy has placed a special emphasis on tackling these problems by designing a plan of annual objectives with contents and activities aimed to:

– offer an integral education and training in terms of quality, participation, innovation and continuous improvement.
– promote methodological changes in a student-centered approach
– strengthen our students’ skills by using active teaching methodologies and promoting the use of ICT
– promote cohesion and tolerance
– reduce our rates of drop out (early school leaving)

Therefore, our expertise relevant for this project capitalizes on the past experiences mentioned above. Among others, we should highlight the following assets:

Regarding Project Based Learning and Social Inclusion:

– We have already integrated this methodology in most of our Vocational studies although we are still in a very early stage of development in Compulsory Secondary education.
– We are experienced in the hosting and integration of new comers and immigrants. We even have a special class where this students get to learn the language and are individually tutorized and accompanied in their first months at school.

Regarding Key persons

– We have and experienced team in Erasmus+ projects
– Among our courses, we have a Higher Education Vocational degree (Tertiary level) of Social Inclusion. The teachers from this department are willing to get involved in the project and offer their expertise to all the partners.
– We have a Social worker in our staff who helps us promote inclusion and tolerance

Regarding Quality Management:

-One of the objectives that the school’s Management has established for the next four years is the school’s involvement in international projects. Therefore, one of the members of the managing team is willing to take an active involvement in this project and offer her expertise in Quality management and assessment.

Responsibilities within the project:

– establishing, monitoring and updating the social media channels and EU dissemination platforms of the project.
– editing the ‘How to Handle Social Exclusion in Schools’ Handbook
– editing the multilingual dictionary of scientific and technical terms in the field of social inclusion, exclusion and PB
-editing the ‘STEPS of Effective PBL Implementation’ Handbook
– monitoring and evaluating the dissemination and impact of the project with Italy
– integrating project outputs and outcomes to school curricula